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Burnout Recovery Coaching Online Program


  • Have you slowly decline into states of anxious and depressive tendencies but don't know why.

  • Are you consciously aware these patterns are holding you hostage but don't know how to rid these feelings of stress, overwhelm and defeat? 

  • Is your mind in overdrive causing you to lose of focus and clarity?

  • Do you wake up from a full night's sleep feeling like you didn't sleep at all?

  • Are you missing the person you once were, wondering how life got to be so stressful and chaotic?

  • Do you want to experience the unstoppable force of personal power, happiness and fulfilment?


 I'm here to tell you this! You totally deserve to have everything you desire and more! 


I'm completely obsessed with revealing a whole new realm of life that will have you transform and restore your health and well-being on levels you never knew possible!


Want to learn the secrets to catapult your time and energy levels? Together you will consciously create a new you and become an unstoppable force of Personal Power

In the Burnout to Blissed-Out Holistic Wellness Accelerator together we will.....

  • Reveal what’s unconsciously sabotaging you from living your best life

  • Reduce depressive and anxious tendencies so you can accomplish a consistent state of happiness and joy

  • Improve mental clarity and focus so you can boost productivity, motivation and drive to be the best at what you do as a family member and professionally

  • Improve sleep quality so you can feel revitalised and rejuvenated to get more done throughout your day

  • Establish a higher perspective and expand your paradigm on victim hood, consciousness and holistic connection so you can feel aligned and fulfilled within your life with a sense of  purpose


How will your example of living affect and influence the way your children live as adults?

"Mum struggled to cope mostly stressed out and overwhelmed with no real sense of herself outside of us kids  - I find I struggle too with these issues as a parent"

"Mum was such a pillar of strength growing up, always present, calm, understanding and approachable - I feel like my optimistic view on life and success is completely owed to her"

Armed with the right tools, attitude and self development skills you can become the pillar of strength you desire to be for your loved ones.  

Burnt Out to Blissed-Out HEALING Accelerator  Outline

 Helping women consciously manage stress and heal trauma so they can reach fulfilment, happiness and peace of mind within themselves to create next level success!


The B2B Healing Accelerator delivers a transformation through a higher perspective so you can take the action for goal achievement. Above all you will obtain emotional, physical, mental and energetic replenishment to allow the Mind, Body and Soul to heal.


Become the best version of yourself, so you can become unstoppable in life.



Program Requirements:

Prerequisite - You must be:

  • Committed to make change.

  • Ready to make positive choices, not excuses. 

  • Willing to take responsibility for yourself.

  • Ready to recognise and remove victim mentality.

  • Ready to accept a new and higher perspective.

  • Able to attend weekly coaching and energy sessions. 


12 week Online Coaching program VALUE: 

  •  x1 one on one 45-60 minute Wellbeing Goal Setting Session 

  •  x12 1:1 Coaching Session or x 12 Group Coaching Sessions

  •  Online Education Portal  

  •  Morning/Evening Ritual 

  •  Weekly Accountability

  •  Facebook Community & Goal Setting Accountability

  •  Naturopath Support with Gut Health

  •  Energy Work (Online in Group or In Person 1:1)

Burnt Out to Blissed-Out Holistic HEALING Accelerator  Outline

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